Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Dynamics AX 2012 Excel Add-in - Issues and Solutions (Method UpdateRecIdVisibility not found)

Dynamics AX 2012 Excel Add-in – Issues and Solutions (Method not found: ‘Void Microsoft.Dynamics.AX.Framework.OfficeAddin.DataSourceContainer.UpdateRecIdVisibility(Boolean))
Purpose: The purpose of this document is to outline some issues you may encounter when using Dynamics AX 2012 Excel Add-in for import of data and provide solutions to resolve them.
Issue: ‘Method not found: ‘Void Microsoft.Dynamics.AX.Framework.OfficeAddin.DataSourceContainer.UpdateRecIdVisibility(Boolean)’
Reason: After you initially install Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2 Office Add-ins and then install Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2 CU1 the old Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2 DLLs related to Office Add-ins may still be present in the file system. The system uses old Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2 DLLs related to Office Add-ins DLLs which causes this issue
Dynamics AX Error
For example, on the latest (as of today, April 24, 2013) Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2 CU1 Demo VM this error occurs when you launch Excel 2013, define connection Options and then try to Add Table or Add Data  
Please note that Microsoft Dynamics AX 212 R2 CU1 build number is 6.2.1000.156
In fact if you look for UpdateRecIdVisibility method in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2 CU1 Microsoft.Dynamics.AX.Framework.OfficeAddin.dll assembly you will be able to find it there
So the real problem is in the fact that the system uses old Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2 Microsoft.Dynamics.AX.Framework.OfficeAddin.dll assembly instead of new one
Please note that Microsoft Dynamics AX 212 R2 build number is
And if you check the version of Microsoft.Dynamics.AX.Framework.OfficeAddin.dll assembly
in C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\assembly\GAC_MSIL folder
You will see that it’s which corresponds to Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2
Solution: Please delete highlighted above Microsoft.Dynamics.AX.Framework.Office.Addin folders in C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\assembly\GAC_MSIL folder to get rid of old versions of DLLs   
If you get a message that Microsoft.Dynamics.AX.Framework.Office.Addin.dll is being used by another process when you try to delete it, please stop Microsoft Dynamics AX AOS and try again
Result: As the result you will be able to Add Tables and Add Data in Excel workbook
Add Tables
Field Chooser
Specials Thanks is for Chris and Jason for helping to resolve this issue
Please check out Chris’ blog for more interesting articles here:
Tags: Dynamics ERP, Dynamics AX 2012, Excel, Dynamics AX 2012 Excel Add-in, Data Import, Data Conversion, Data Migration, Application Integration Framework, Issue, Problem, Solution, Resolution.
Note: This document is intended for information purposes only, presented as it is with no warranties from the author. This document may be updated with more content to better outline the issues and describe the solutions.
Author: Alex Anikiev, PhD, MCP


  1. Thanks for your post. Very helpful.

  2. Thank you Alex. This is symptomatic of R2 Hyper-v image where the .Net business connector dll is also of an older version, which makes EP fail epically and repeatedly.

    1. Hi,

      According to yopur notice - since 3 months I have tried start EP using AX2012 R2 VM (dated March 2013). Have you heard about this problem and - perhaps - could you help or advise me..?

      Being glad for any info


  3. Thanks for the post Alex. One extra thing I ran into. Was still getting a file lock on one of the dll's after stopping the AOS. Used Process Explorer to find that it was also being used by Sharepoint. Did a quick iisreset /stop in the command prompt and was able to delete the folder. Thanks again!

  4. Thanks Alex.
    As suggested by Devin, you need to stop IIS before you can delete this folder.

  5. Thanks a lot for this valuable information.

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  8. Hi,

    Thank you for the valuable information. I have followed the steps you have mentioned in this post.

    I am using MS Dynamics AX 2012 R2 CU7, When I have deleted the folders you have mentioned I got another error
    "Microsoft Dynamics AX Office Addin
    An error occurred. The data in the workbook and the behavior of any
    add-ins may not be correct. Consider contacting your system
    administrator about this problem.
    Could not load type
    Microsoft.Dyna micsAX.Framework.OfficeAddin.XmIPats.DataSourceT
    ype' from assembly
    Microsoft. Dynamics. AX. Framework. OfficeAddin.XmIParts,
    Version:6.2.O.O, Culture:neutral, PublicKeyTokenz31 bf38S6ad364e35'.

    Can you please suggest a solution to this error.

    Thanks in advance.

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  10. Even after doing this, I am getting the same error again. and after this I re installed the office add-ins, But still no luck. Could someone please assist ?

  11. Hello! Thank you for sharing this method with us, now I will know about ms dynamics ax 2012 Excel Add-in Issues and Solutions.

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